This theme comes with different module styles, badges and icons. For each module you can pick a style and combine it with an icon or badge to create your own unique look. Here is a list of the available options: Styles Box, Inverted, Line, blank, Colors Black Badges Hot, New, Free, Top Icons Download, Twitter, Mail, Bubble, Login, Cart, Comment Demo
OS Accordion Slider The clean and simple OS Accordion Slider Module is a module which uses nice sliding transitions while hovering the items. The OS Accordion News uses the articles to display its content from joomla or K2. All articles can display any kind of HTML formatted content like text/images/flash.
Virtuemart accordion menu The good addition to any e-commerce site for user this navigation... Let try to use it and tell me how is it? Advantages: * Compatibility with SH404SEF search engine optimization * Compatibility with Joomla 1.5 In pro version you can: + Change speed of slide. + Change mouse over or click ot both event + Change link in parent menu or no. + Fix problem with light box, we use Mootools for accordion + Fix problem with level 3 menu items. From
OS Virtuemart Product One of the advance of OS Virtuemart Product was the columns and pagination handling. It can limit how many product in 1 page you want to show and automatically create pagination correlative to it. With fading animation and link directly to selected category, JV VirtueMart CatPro can surely be your most used module on your website The Extension is working with VIRTUEMART v1.1.X and VIRTUEMART 2.X as well.
OS Accordion News The clean and simple OS Accordion News is a module which uses nice sliding transitions while hovering the items. When you click a item with your mouse the item will expand to show additional information while all other items will be shrinked. The OS Accordion News uses the articles to display its content. All articles can display any kind of HTML formatted content like text/images/flash and you can even use the "loadposition" Joomla plugin to display a another module inside a article.